Sunday, April 25, 2010

Will They Sell? Will They Buy? ... Is the Pope Catholic?

There were two critical schools of the Fixed Price Sale: One said that drivers wouldn't sell because the money would not be enough to retire on; the other held that that no one would buy because the price was too high.

So much for philosophy.

As of noon yesterday, in one day and a half, Taxi Services had received around 40 Sellers' Participation Forms and about twice as many Buyers' Participation Forms.

The oldest potential seller was born in 1913.

Some of the wanna-be buyers offered the full 20% up front. Others offered 5% or 10%.

In order to protect their rights to sell in case of accident etc, the sellers rampaged through San Francisco looking for "Powers of Attorney" forms. By late yesterday morning, the city's stockpile of such forms had been exhausted and there were none to be found.

1 comment:

  1. Carl Macmurdo sends this link for the Powers of Attorney form.
